Pathways to the Bench

Pathways to the Bench | June 7

Pathways to the Bench

Program Materials

We have placed the available program materials online for you to peruse and/or print before the Conference. Please note that some panels may not have materials. In the event that we receive supplemental program materials - we will post these materials to the website after the Conference.  Thank you for taking part in our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint. 

Evaluation Form 

Your feedback is valuable to us. Please take a few minutes to complete the evaluation form for each session you attend. Your input helps us improve future events. Look for the evaluation forms below listed under each session. Thank you for your participation!

11:30am - 4:15pm - Host Eric Sliber, Chair of the Litigaition Section of the California Lawyers Association

Speaker Biographie: Speaker BIO.pdf


11:30am - 11:30am - Opening Remarks with Hon. Anne-Christine Massullo

Speaker Biographie: SPEAKER BIO.pdf


11:45am - 1:15pm - Pathway to the State Court Bench 

Speaker Biographies: SPEAKERS BIO’S.pdf

Evaluation Form: 


1:30pm - 3:00pm - Pathways to the Federal Bench 

Speaker Biographies: SPEAKERS BIO’S.pdf

Evaluation Form: 


3:15pm - 4:15pm - Rising to the Challenge: Overcoming Obstacles and Challenges on the Path to the Bench 

MCLE: 1 Hour of Elimination of Bias Credit 

Materials: Rising to the Challenge.pdf

Speaker Biographies:SPEAKER BIOS.pdf

Evaluation Form: 


4:20pm - 5:00pm - Breakout Sessions 

A Deeper Dive into the Superior and Appellate Court Appointment Processes 

Speaker Biographies: SPEAKER BIOS.pdf

Evaluation Form: 


A Deeper Dive into the Superior Court Appointment Process 

Speaker Biographies: SPEAKER BIOS.pdf

Evaluation Form: 


Getting to the Federal Bench 

Speaker Biographies: SPEAKER BIOS.pdf

Evaluation Form: 


A Unique Resource: The Judicial Mentor Program 

Materials: A Unique Resource - The Judicial Mentor Program.pdf 

Speaker Biographies: SPEAKERS BIOS.pdf

Evaluation Form: 

Points of view or opinions expressed in these pages are those of the speaker(s) and/or author(s). They have not been adopted or endorsed by the California Lawyers Association Board of Representatives and do not constitute the official position or policy of the California Lawyers Association. Nothing contained herein is intended to address any specific legal inquiry, nor is it a substitute for independent legal research to original sources or obtaining separate legal advice regarding specific legal situations.

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