2024 California International Arbitration Week

California International Arbitration Week 

2024 California International Arbitration Week

Program Materials

 We have placed the program materials online for you to peruse and/or print before the Conference.  In the event that we receive supplemental program materials - we will post these materials to the website after the Conference.  Thank you for taking part in our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint. 

Evaluation Form 

Your feedback is valuable to us. Please take a few minutes to complete the evaluation form for each session you attend. Your input helps us improve future events. Look for the evaluation forms below listed under each session. Thank you for your participation!

MCLE Certificate 

You may now download a copy of the MCLE certificate(s) for your records. Your attendance record will be provided to the State Bar of California within 30 days.

Have questions about the program? Please email programregistrations@calawyers.org.


Monday March 11th, 2024

9:15 AM to 10:30AM

Arbitrating and Mediating IP Licensing Disputes in the entertainment and fasion industries: What can Barbie teach us? 

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/aiQ2YSRqP8ytEppg8 

Materials: Panel 1 Combined Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 1. MCLE Certificate-Arbitrating and Mediating IP licensing.pdf


11:00 AM to 12:30PM

Evaluating Mediation and Other Disputes Resolution Continuum Processes in Resolving International Commercial Disputes

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/JPWDse1TPAtDTNSBA 

Materials: Panel 2 Combinded Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 2. MCLE Certificate-Evaluating Mediation.pdf


1:30 PM to 3:00PM

Women in Arbitration - California Stories

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/byG9TyqakBnjqNZQA 

Materials: Panel 3 Combinded Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 3. MCLE Certificate-Women in Arbitration.pdf


3:15 PM to 4:45PM

Navigating Arbitrator Disclosures and Challenges in International Arbiration

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/7uQ4JWJrfJoJSYu39 

Materials: Panel 4 Combined Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 4. MCLE Certificate-Navigating Arbitrator Disclosures.pdf


Tuesday March 12th, 2024

8:00 AM to 9:00AM

International Arbitration of Crypto-Related Disputes 

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/hoWLCeKog5Jaa5CD6 

Materials: Panel 5 Combined Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 5. MCLE Certificate-International Arbitration of Crypto.pdf


9:15 AM to 10:45AM

Ethical Conundrums Faced by Parties and Arbitrators in International Arbitration

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/GAjMTjCQfe9mWS1T8 

Materials: Panel 6 Combined Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 6. MCLE Certificate-Ethical Conundrums Faced by Parties.pdf


11:00 AM to 12:00PM

FedArb: Arbitrating Ip and Global Technologies Disputes - Best Practices from WIPO and SIAC

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/e3ict6mcmX7Mfze48 


MCLE Certificate: 7. MCLE Certificate-FedArb.pdf


1:00 PM to 3:00PM

Facilitating Settlements in International Arbitration in 2024 and Beyond

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/Xj8nj1h2d8ruuKUL8 

Materials: Panel 8 Combined Materials.pdf 

MCLE Certificate: 8. MCLE Certificate-Facilitating Settlements.pdf


3:30 PM to 5:00PM

Curtains Up, Gloves Down: Interanational Arbitration in Entertainment & Sports

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/DwBG5TbvdgEE47sF6 

Materials: Panel 9 Combined Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 9. MCLE Certificate-Curtains Up Gloves Down.pdf


Wednesday March 13th, 2024

8:00 AM to 9:00AM

Energy Innovation: Challenges and Solutions on the Road to Energy Transition

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/xN2cAFV5S7d1XaHd8 

Materials: Panel 10 - Combined Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 10. MCLE Certificate-Energy Innovation.pdf


9:15 AM to 10:45AM

The Quest for Speedy Dispute Resolution in Japan and California through International Arbitration

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/FY84QcGJocE77dSBA 

Materials: Panel 11 Combined Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 11. MCLE Certificate-The Quest for Speedy Dispute.pdf


11:00 AM to 12:30PM

Arbitrating in Time of Trade War: Successfully Navigating the Minefields of National Security, Cross-Border Data Restrictions, Sanctions and US-CHina "Decoupling" to Achieve Fair and Efficient Dispute Resolution

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/ZHs2i6d8fb9jMrYJA 

Materials: Panel 12 Combined Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 12. MCLE Certificate-Arbitrating in Time of Trade War.pdf


1:30 PM to 3:00PM

The Latest Developments of International Arbitration in CHina: Focus on SINO-US Commercial Dispute Resolution

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/W8SwvianAXFgbiX59 

Materials: Panel 13 Combinded Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 13. MCLE Certificate-The Latest Developments.pdf


3:15 PM to 4:45PM

SEP, FRAND, and Arbitration in IP Hotspots (California and Singapore)

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/D7WQbtCUjSPcTgR26 

Materials: Panel 14 Combinded Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 14. MCLE Certificate-SEP FRAND and Arbitration.pdf


Thursday March 14th, 2024

8:00 AM to 9:00AM

California Offshore Wind, the Challenges and Opportunities

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/EpV5h3FvuN4ZhGkH9 

Materials: Panel 15 Combined Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 15. MCLE Certificate-California Offshore Wind.pdf


9:15 AM to 10:45AM

The Swords and Shields of Arbitrating IP Disputes in California and Beyond

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/TzKMZS416h11m89o6 

Materials: Panel 16 Combined Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 16. MCLE Certificate-The Swords and Shields.pdf


11:00 AM to 12:00PM

AI in ADR: Building Consensus Around the Path Forward

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/QupxyXZuaY6pPv3e8 

Materials: Panel 17 Combinded Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 17. MCLE Certifictae-AI in ADR.pdf


1:30 PM to 3:00PM

Civil v. Common Law: How they Differ and Why this Matters for International Arbitration

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/UmmUywEYdae2NzAY6 

Materials: Panel 18 Combined Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 18. MCLE Certificate-Civil v. Common Law.pdf


3:15 PM to 4:45PM

Resolving Tomorrow's Conflicts Today: An In-House Perspective on Technology Disputes from the Tech Mecca 

Evaluation Forms: https://forms.gle/RFCGQ8zw24zpKxCQ8 

Materials: Panel 19 Combinded Materials.pdf

MCLE Certificate: 19. MCLE Certificate-Resolving Tomorrow’s Conflicts.pdf

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