Program Materials

 We have placed the program materials online for you to peruse and/or print before the Conference.  In the event that we receive supplemental program materials - we will post these materials to the website after the Conference.  Thank you for taking part in our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.


Thursday, May 4, 2023

Panel 1: Litigation, Appellate, and ADR Update

Panel 2:  Implicit Bias and Disability

Panel 3:  Judicial Roundtable 

Panel 4:  Brief It Like Brandeis 

Panel 5:  Statutory Interpretation Is Everywhere 

Panel 6:  Keynote Address from California Solicitor General Michael Mongan


Friday, May 5, 2023

Panel 7:  Another Momentous Term in the Supreme Court

Panel 8:  Core Skills - Jury Selection 

Panel 9:  Navigating Complex Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Issues in a Rapidly Changing Environment

Panel 10:  Winning Strategies for Summary Judgment 

Panel 11:  Mater Advocates Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame Series The Art of Storytelling and theme building at trial

Panel 12:  CTAPP Requirements for IOLTA and Client Trust Accounts






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